Bagaimana untuk memasang lampu solar di taman anda?
Lampu taman solar menjadi semakin popular kerana lampu tidak memerlukan wayar dan ia sangat mudah dipasang. Cahaya suria akan menyerap cahaya matahari dan menyala pada waktu malam secara automatik. Ia sangat mudah untuk digunakan.
Apabila anda memutuskan untuk menggunakan lampu suria di taman anda, anda perlu membuat rancangan.
1、Before you install the light you have to make sure the function of your light. Is it a path or an object in the garden? If it is a path, the light should be inserted close to the way. For the latter,you should put the light around the object to prominent scenery. The advantage of solar light is that you can move the light to anywhere you want at anytime.
2、When you install solar light you should make sure the light can be direct access to sunlight. This means placing them where they will absorb the maximum hours of sunlight each day. Make sure that branches and overhangs don’t lorekkan panel solar kecil pada unit lampu.
National Hardware Show (NHS 2025)
Time:March 18TH – 20TH, 2025
Booth No:W1670
Welcome to visit our booth!